Monday, March 16, 2015

Watermelon Dieting !!!

WeightLossTips - Today WeightLossTips update post about :Watermelon Dieting !!!

Obesity is indeed disturbing appearance. Well, if nobody wants to have a belly, watermelon diet worth trying. Watermelon, claimed great for dieting.

Why is watermelon good for diet ?
Watermelon Dieting !!!

That's because watermelon is a food with a low energy density and very small although the calories people eat in large quantities.

Foods with a low energy density such as watermelon is very useful for weight loss because it can make people satiety without adding calories too much for total daily.

Watermelon has a low energy density due to the high water content, which can also avoid people experiencing dehydration and can prevent the desire to eat another dessert that is high in calories.

The American Dietetic Association reports that watermelon is 91 percent contained water. The content of this water can act as natural diuretics.

The Mayo Clinic explains the effects of diuretic on watermelon makes people will frequent urination, thereby reducing the amount of water retention in the body. Water retention in the body, which often leads to a protruding belly.

According to the National Watermelon Promotion Board, 2 servings of bowl of sliced watermelon cubes contain carbohydrates 21 g, 20 g sugar, and contain no fat and cholesterol.

Watermelon also can become a natural toner serves to refresh and protect from the heat of the scorching sun. All you need to know about the fruit watermelon to take care of your skin's beauty, namely:

1. Can rejuvenate your skin
To rejuvenate your skin, simply use the fruit watermelon then mash and you use it as a mask so that your face will feel cool, fresh and makes your face skin moist. Watermelon fruit mask also helps to clean the dust and dirt to your facial pores.

2. Soften skin
You can also soften your skin and how to combine it with 1 tablespoon of yogurt and then you mix it and apply on face and neck after it let stand for 10 minutes and rinse until clean. That way, your skin will be soft and shiny again.

3. Fix the wrinkles on the face
Watermelon also contains a lot of antioxidants that can prevent damage in your skin and may prevent premature aging that is marked by wrinkles in the face. You can mix 100 grams of watermelon fruit with fresh avocado and puree until blended.After that you can use sebai face masks. Let sit for 20 minutes and rinse using warm water, you can use your face with compresses an unused ice cubes.

4. Remove the black stains on the face
Another advantage of watermelon, can serve as a scrub that can remove stains or black flecks on the face. It's easy, that combine the watermelon to taste with salt, 2 tablespoons. Once well mixed you can use by way of massage with circular movements. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes wait until dry. Then rinse with clean water. You will feel the results by making the skin more clean and shining.

Start now by keeping the beauty of your skin naturally. Remember, the watermelon is not only good for the face mask, but it's also good for watermelon is consumed directly or made juice. Good luck ladies and taste the result!

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