Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The benefits of taking a bath with cold water in the morning

The benefits of taking a bath with cold water in the morning

Bath is an activity that is often done to cleanse and refresh the body. But there are still many people who abandon the habit of showering in the morning, and many are also some of them are just doing the habit of showering in the morning when wanted to do morning activities like doing the work that started in the morning.
The benefits of taking a bath with cold water in the morning for health
Image Source: pixabay.com

The habit of showering in the morning much avoided due to some reasons and the reason most widely expressed due to the cold. But some facts have shown that the habit of showering in the morning with cold water will impact both for the health of the body.

The benefits of Cold Baths in the morning

For that, on this occasion we will explain about the benefits of a cold shower in the morning.

1. Boost your immune system

Custom shower with cold water can stimulate the body to produce white blood cells in large quantities. White blood cells play a role to ward off attack bacteria, viruses and germs that endanger the health of the body.

2. Increase fertility in men

Cold baths in the morning may stimulate simultaneously trigger the production of hormones testosterone in men, so that it can increase fertility.

3. Launch a blood circulation

Cold baths in the morning can unleash a blood circulation in the body. If the blood flow smoothly, then entire organs will remain preserved his health.

4. Reduce stress levels

The habit of showering in the morning with cold water can reduce stress levels experienced. It is because after a morning bath with cold water the body will get the oxygen supply in sufficient amounts. Needs the oxygen would be sure that is what is able to reduce the level of stress on a person.

5. Keep hair health

Custom shower with cold water it can amplify the hair roots that will not make the hair dull and no loss.

The chill of the water that will be used in a shower in the morning will indeed lead to a sense of lazy while doing the activity. After learning the benefits of bathing in the morning with cold water, try to do it on a regular basis.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Chocolates for Weight Loss

This is great news for chocoholics. Based on a study, eating chocolates regularly somehow helps people to be skinnier compared to those who do not give themselves the benefit of satisfying their sweet tooth.
The results of this study do not mean that the chocolates you eat will melt away your extra pounds. There must be another explanation for the slight variance in body mass or it’s just a statistical fluke.
Dr. Beatrice Golomb from the University of California in San Diego who is the lead author of the study said that the findings help to reduce the guilt that people might feel when eating chocolates. There is no sufficient explanation as to how this actually happens and this is subject to more research in the future.
Effects of Eating Chocolates
Chocolate is a food that has varying effects on people. It is rich in antioxidants so it can help counter the damaging effects of free radicals in the body. According to some studies, eating chocolates has positive effects on health, such as reduced blood pressure levels and reduced cholesterol levels. But, some studies associate eating chocolates to weight gain as it is also high in calories and fat.
Collecting Data from Study Participants
In the study by Golomb and his colleagues, there were 1,000 people who filled up food questionnaires that included the question on their frequency of eating chocolates. The respondents had an average age of 57 years old and 68 percent of them were men.
Part of the study is finding the connection, if any, between the intake of chocolates by the participants and their body mass index or BMI. The BMI is calculated using the height and weight of a person and this value indicates if the person is overweight, obese or underweight.
The Study Results
The average BMI of the participants was 28, which means that they are overweight, not obese. These people on average ate chocolate two times per week and perform exercises three to four times per week.
According to the study, the people who most frequently ate chocolates had lower BMIs. The researchers get the same result even after statistically controlling factors like gender, age, education and consumption of fruits and vegetables.
There was a difference of 5 to 7 pounds between individuals who ate chocolates frequently and those who ate chocolates infrequently.
Strange Observations
What is strange about the results is the fact that the frequent chocolate eaters had more calorie intake and they did not engage in exercise activities.
The respondents did not make it clear though what type of chocolate they ate. It’s likely that most of them regarded the question as referring to chocolate candies. But whether it was milk chocolate or dark chocolate, we have no clue. A clear mention would help explain the results as milk chocolate has more fat than dark chocolate.
What You Eat Matters
Golomb makes a clear statement though that their study findings do not mean to tell people to lose pounds by eating chocolates. It’s not telling people to eat 20 pounds of chocolate everyday to lose weight. But it does suggest that what you eat has a big impact on the metabolic processes of the body as well as BMI.
Why Did Those Who Ate More Chocolates Become Thinner Than the Others?
A Tel Aviv University professor, Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz, commented that many research studies show that people who deprive themselves of eating sweets tend to eat more of these food stuff. Based on her own research, individuals can better follow a diet when they were given the allowance to eat chocolates.
Golomb said that a future research on this subject should include 2 groups, one eating chocolates and the other not. But it may be difficult to find participants who would be willing not to eat chocolates.
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Big Picture of Permanent Weight Loss

The Big Picture of Permanent Weight Loss

Most people who read articles and e-books know me as a science guy who likes to quote studies and apply research to everyday problems such as weight loss, bodybuilding, and other health/fitness related topics. However, sometimes you have to step back from the science and look at the big picture to help bring people back into focus, so they can see the forest for the trees, so to speak.
For most people reading this article, finding an effective diet that works most of the time must seem as complicated as nuclear physics. It's not, but there are a bewildering number of choices for diets out there. High fat or no fat? High carbohydrate or no carbohydrate? Low protein or high protein? To make matters worse, there are a million variations and combinations to the above diet scenarios to add to the confusion. It seems endless and causes many people to throw up their hands in frustration and give up. In this article I will attempt to change all that.
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Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Big Picture of Permanent Weight Loss

Most people who read my articles and e-books know me as a science guy who likes to quote studies and apply research to everyday problems such as weight loss, bodybuilding, and other health/fitness related topics. However, sometimes you have to step back from the science and look at the big picture to help bring people back into focus, so they can see the forest for the trees, so to speak.
The Big Picture of Permanent Weight Loss
For most people reading this article, finding an effective diet that works most of the time must seem as complicated as nuclear physics. It's not,
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Friday, April 3, 2015

Top 15 Weight Loss Myths

There are many common weight loss myths that people live by when it comes to their health. It is difficult at times to separate the weight loss myths and fact from what is true. Many sound true while others are just laughable. I once read somewhere that if you drink water at night that you are going to
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Burn Belly Fat With Cucumber

If you generally know the mask ingredients as cucumber can make the skin so it's fresher and cure acne, learn about the benefits of cucumber more. Still speaking of beauty treatments, pumpkin family rich in this vitamin C intake have a content of 95% of the water in his body.

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Watermelon Dieting !!!

Obesity is indeed disturbing appearance. Well, if nobody wants to have a belly, watermelon diet worth trying. Watermelon, claimed great for dieting.

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How To Effectively Lose Weight

Weight loss for people who have excessive weight is a necessity that should be lived every day in order to get the expected weight. But to get the desired weight is not easy if you don't know his methods or instructions correctly. 
It has excessiveweight is causing You fatigue so that your daily activity be interrupted. In addition,
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Saturday, March 14, 2015

11 ways to lose weight that's been proven Lose Weight

For most people weight loss is a very difficult thing. While much longer, thus raising the weight difficult. Because that's what a lot of people are looking for tips or how to lose weight, how to shrink the stomach, how to raise the weight and how to fatten the body.
How to increase weight or fatten the body we will discuss in the next article. This time I will share
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How do you boost your metabolism ? You probably grasp your metabolism is coupled to your weight. however does one grasp how? Common belief holds that a slim person's metabolism is high Associate in Nursingd an overweight person's metabolism is low. however this is not sometimes the case. Metabolism alone does not confirm your weight.
Rather, weight relies on the balance of calories consumed versus calories burned. absorb additional calories than your body wants, and you gain weight. absorb less and you slenderize. Metabolism, then, is that the engine that burns these calories and is that the scale that regulates your energy wants.

Stated merely, metabolism is that the method by that your body converts food into energy. throughout this organic chemistry method, calories — from carbohydrates, fats and proteins — ar combined with gas to unleash the energy your body has to operate.
The number of calories your body burns day by day is termed your total energy expenditure. the subsequent 3 factors form up your total energy expenditure:
  • Basic wants.
    Even once your body is at rest, it needs energy for the fundamentals, like fuel for organs, breathing, current blood, adjusting endocrine levels, and growing and repairing cells. Calories exhausted to hide these basic functions ar your basal rate.
    Typically, a human basal rate is that the largest portion of energy use, representing common fraction to three-quarters of the calories used day by day. Energy wants for these basic functions keep fairly consistent and are not simply modified.
  • Food process.
    Digesting, absorbing, transporting and storing the food you consume additionally takes calories. This accounts for regarding ten p.c of the calories used day by day. For the foremost half, your body's energy demand to method food stays comparatively steady and is not simply modified.
  • Physical activity.
    Physical activity — like taking part in lawn tennis, walking to the shop, chasing when the dog and the other movement — accounts for the rest of calories used. You management the amount of calories burned counting on the frequency, length and intensity of your activities.

It may appear logical to assume that important weight gain or being overweight is expounded to an occasional metabolism or presumably even a condition like under-active endocrine (hypothyroidism). In reality, it's extremely uncommon for excess weight to be associated with an occasional metabolism. And most of the people WHO ar overweight do not have Associate in Nursing underlying condition, like gland disease. However, a medical analysis will confirm whether or not a medical condition may well be influencing your weight.

Weight gain is additional probably attributable to Associate in Nursing energy imbalance — intense additional calories than your body burns. To slenderize, then, you wish to form Associate in Nursing energy deficit by uptake fewer calories, increasing the amount of calories you burn through physical activity, or ideally each.

If you and everybody else were physically and functionally identical, it'd be straightforward to see the quality energy wants. however several factors influence calorie needs, as well as body size and composition, age, and sex.
To operate properly, a much bigger body mass needs additional energy (more calories) than will a smaller body mass. Also, muscle burns additional calories than fat will. that the additional muscle you have got in relevancy fat, the upper your basal rate.
As you become old, the quantity of muscle tends to decrease and fat accounts for additional of your weight. Metabolism additionally slows naturally with age. along these changes scale back your calorie wants.

Men sometimes have less body fat and additional muscle than do ladies of constant age and weight. this is often why men usually have a better basal rate and burn additional calories than ladies do.

Your ability to alter your metabolic process is restricted. However, you'll increase daily exercise and activity to create muscle tissue and burn additional calories.
Your metabolism influences your energy wants, however it is your food intake and physical activity that ultimately confirm your weight.

Losing weight, like every task you undertake, needs that you just have dedication and motivation to succeed. this suggests you wish to urge your head within the right place.

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Benefits of Honey for weight loss

In addition to delicious, honey can also be utilized in the program your weight loss diet. If you intend to lose weight, the honey will really help you. But before we move on to the benefits of honey in weight loss, before we know it used to be people who question the public against honey.

Many people ask: Isn't honey that includes the type of sugar? does it not add weight?, could it be calories in honey can help you lose weight?

Honey contains sugar, but sugar in honey unlike granulated sugar, and honey contains vitamins and minerals.

Normally, to be able to digest sugar, vitamins and minerals that are stored in the body is to be used. Nutrition is very important to help dissolve fats and cholesterol.

Benefits The Benefits Of Honey.
So when you eat too much sugar, which will tend to increase weight not just because of the calories, but due to lack of vitamins and minerals. In contrast, honey as a source of good nutrition helps you in reducing weight.
Benefits of honey for weight loss

Honey and warm water
Usually the fat that is not used to be burned, then your body will store them and will ultimately gain weight. It is believed the honey can mobilize stored fat. When fat is burnt to provide energy in daily activities, then you will see weight loss and obesity levels. It is recommended that you drink this honey, about one tablespoon per day plus warm water to taste.
Honey and lemon juice

Honey can also help in weight loss, when consumed with warm water and lemon juice. Many people drink this concoction in the morning to reduce their weight.
Honey and cinnamon

Other useful recipe is cinnamon powder, which is mixed with honey and warm water. Take one tablespoon of cinnamon, one tablespoon of honey and one cup of warm water, mix the ingredients well and then drink the stomach is still empty. Although it is still unclear how this mixture helps in weight loss, but a lot of people who have claimed to have felt the benefits after drinking on a regular basis.

Honey is also useful to improve your digestion, thus aiding in weight loss. Hence honey is also good is consumed after dinner, especially after eating excessive amounts of.

Many people stop eating just to reduce their weight. Beware of such actions. If the person does not eat enough food,-to acquire calories, vitamins, minerals, fiber, then the immune system will become weak. Weight loss program is focused on reducing calorie intake, but not stopping the intake of calories at all. Furthermore, in an attempt to weight loss, regular exercise remain obliged to burn excess calories and fat.

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