WeightLossTips - Today WeightLossTips update post about :Top 15 Weight Loss Myths
There are many common weight loss myths that people live by when
it comes to their health. It is difficult at times to separate the
weight loss myths and fact from what is true. Many sound true while
others are just laughable. I once read somewhere that if you drink water
at night that you are going to
gain weight or that if you scratch your head too often you are going to lose your hair....
gain weight or that if you scratch your head too often you are going to lose your hair....
Weight Loss Myth # 1
The more weight that I have to lose the more intense my exercise routine should be
The more weight that I have to lose the more intense my exercise routine should be
Loss Truth: Although having an intense workout routine is great, there
are a few things you should consider: the first being that everyone is
at a different level when it comes to their fitness and how much
intensity they can actually handle. If you have been physically inactive
for a number of years, an intense work out for you might be, walking
half a mile a day. After you walk that half mile you notice that you are
sweating bullets and that you are tired. However, for someone who has
been physically active for many years, walking half a mile can be done
without a sweat. Everyone has a different definition of what "intense"
If intense for you is working out for an hour a day, but due
to life's busy schedule you only have time for 20 minutes a day, then
those 20 minutes will go an extremely long way. It might not necessarily
be classified as "intense", according to your definition, but those
little cardio moments will have positive health altering effects.
Fat Loss Myth # 2
Stress and weight gain do not go hand in hand
Stress and weight gain do not go hand in hand
Weight Loss
Fact: This is one of those "laughable" myths. To learn more how stress
is adding lbs. to your life please download my free E-Book, "Psychology
of Releasing Weight"
Weight Loss Myth # 3
I can lose weight while eating whatever I want
I can lose weight while eating whatever I want
Weight Loss
Truth: Sir Isaac Newton once said " What goes up must come down." There
are natural principles that govern our lives. If you throw a ball up in
the air, it is going to come back down. You can sit on your couch and
imagine and visualize that the ball will staying afloat in the air, but
natural principles teach us that it will come down. Same goes when it
comes to our weight.
This is one of the most common weight loss
myths out there. It is illogical to think that your health and weight
are going to be in balance if your nutrition consists mainly of
twinkies, chips, and donuts. Sure you can burn it off by exercising, but
most people whose diet consists of mainly junk food are probably not
disciplined enough to stick to a workout routine. I do know a few people
who, from the outside, look like they are in good shape, because they
are not "fat, but who have high cholesterol.
Just because I feel
sorry for crushing the hearts of so many twinkie lovers out there, I
would say this. You can eat junk food, cookies, chips, ice cream, pizza,
burgers.... All of those "soul satisfying foods", but it should be in
moderation. Anything in excess is never good.
Fat Loss Myth # 4
Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight
Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight
Weight Loss Fact:
There are numerous studies that show that people who skip breakfast and
eat fewer times during the day tend to be a lot heavier than who have a
healthy nutritional breakfast and then eat 4-6 small meals during the
day. The reason to this might be the fact that they get hungrier later
on in the day, and might have a tendency to over eat during other meals
of the day.
Weight Loss Myth # 5
I will not lose weight while eating at night
I will not lose weight while eating at night
Weight Loss
Truth: You can over indulge in food during the day and not eat a single
thing at night and you WILL gain weight. As is the fact that you can
starve yourself during the day and eat all night long and you still will
gain weight. The key here is balance. If your body is telling you that
it is hungry then perhaps you should listen to it. The truth is, that
over eating, while not exercising, will cause you to gain weight; no
matter what time of the day that you eat. Whenever I am hungry at night,
as is my habit with other meals during the day, I try to select
something that is natural in nature. Something like fruits, vegetables,
or I might even make myself a fruit smoothie. During those moments that I
am craving ice cream or something sweet, I allow myself to get some,
and DO NOT feel guilty about it. Many people who are overweight live
their life in guilt and shame. I allow myself to get some, however, WITH
Fat Loss Myth # 6
I'm not acceptable until I lose weight
I'm not acceptable until I lose weight
Weight Loss Fact: The
person who doesn't feel acceptable because they are fat is because they
are not acceptable to themselves first. The way that you think others
view you is based on your view of yourself. I honestly believe that one
must become emotionally fit before becoming physically fit. I have gone
through these self-limiting emotions before. Once I realized that I was
ALREADY ENOUGH in the eyes of God and that I had no need to prove myself
to anyone or to receive external validation for my self-worth, that
made all the difference for me. Once you accept yourself as who you are
RIGHT NOW and realize that you are already enough in the eyes of God,
you will not feel like you are not acceptable because of your weight.
Weight Loss Myth # 7
I need to cut calories to lose weight faster
I need to cut calories to lose weight faster
Weight Loss
Truth: Cutting your calories down might be a great thing, if you are
drastically overeating and stuffing your face. However, if you are
eating proportionally then cutting calories might have an aversive
affect. If you are cutting calories and are starving your body, then
that will lower your metabolism, or in other words slow it down, which
may result in you actually not losing any weight at all, even if you are
"cutting calories"
Fat Loss Myth # 8
Skipping meals will help me lose weight
Skipping meals will help me lose weight
Weight Loss Fact:
Skipping meals may actually cause you to gain weight! You will become
too hungry and will eventually have to eat. This will knock your
metabolism off track and will eventually slow it down. Think of a car
running low on gas (food), if you do not fill it up, it will eventually
stop working. Same goes for our body, we need to keep it fueled
Weight Loss Myth # 9
I think I have genetic weight gain, it runs in my family!
I think I have genetic weight gain, it runs in my family!
Loss Truth: Can someone say E-X-C-U-S-E-S? I will not deny that there
might be tendencies for heavy parents to raise heavy children who will
remain heavy their whole lives, but I don't believe that there is
actually a "fat" gene or DNA out there. What we do inherit from our
family, primarily those who directly raised us, are our views and
beliefs. Your views about food, money, religion, politics, education,
etc. are based upon how you were raised. If you were raised in a home
where the primary meals cooked where fried foods, then you might have a
tendency to continue cooking and eating fried foods throughout your
life. If that is the case then you might be a little heavy around the
waist. The easy thing to do is to blame it on those who were in charge
of your upbringing, however, you ALWAYS have a choice to change.
Fat Loss Myth # 10
Eating healthy is too hard
Eating healthy is too hard
Weight Loss Fact: Eating healthy is
the simplest thing in the world.....once you have trained yourself to
do it. How many times have you placed a goal to lose weight or to "eat
better"? The first few days you are doing great, eating all kinds of
foods which you normally wouldn't eat. Then something funny started to
happen, you went back to your old habits and behaviors. This has
happened to you in other areas outside of your health. It could be with
making money, looking for a new job, or in your relationships. Creating a
new habit takes time because our brain's do not like change. Change to
the brain is dangerous. Anyways, if you would like to learn more about
how our brain attempts to sabotage us from creating new habits then
please download my free E-book, "Psychology of Releasing Weight"
Weight Loss Myth # 11
You have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight
You have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight
Loss Truth: What would a world without chocolate and without pepperoni
pizza be like??? I think it would be a torturous world to live in!! lol,
now on a real note I completely disagree with this myth. You are
definitely able to eat your favorite foods. Depriving yourself of this
kind of pleasure is not fun, and quite frankly you probably WILL eat it
anyways. As has been mentioned before, the real key is moderation. If
you are a steak lover, then perhaps it might not be the best things to
eat it every single day, but perhaps once or twice a week. Those who
know me personally know that I LOOOOOOOOVE chicken wings with pizza. In a
perfect world where I wouldn't gain any weight and my arteries were
clog-less, I would love to eat it several times per week, well more like
every day. However, I know that those aren't the healthiest of food
choices so I have it about 2-3 times per month. I am not giving up my
favorite foods, I am just eating it in moderation so that it doesn't
catch up to me in the form of excess weight.
Fat Loss Myth # 12
Overeating is caused by hunger
Overeating is caused by hunger
Weight Loss Fact: Nice try
there. If only we could blame "hunger" for it. In fact, this person we
call hunger has nothing to do with you OVEREATING. It might have
something to do your body telling you that it is time to "fuel up" and
that it needs food, but that is not an indication that one should
overeat. What causes many people to overeat are different reasons. One
of the main ones is feeling of stress, depression, loneliness, anxiety,
fear, and other down grading emotions of that nature. Many times food
can be a means of satisfying your needs. You might be actually getting
your needs met through your foods. For example, if you live a lonely
life, and aren't very happy, then food could perhaps be a means of you
feeling happy and comforted. There are other articles that I have
written on this subject but suffice it to say that overeating is NOT
cause by being hungry.
Weight Loss Myth # 13
Only drastic diets work
Only drastic diets work
Weight Loss Truth: There goes that
word again...DIEt....those "drastic diets" are only good for quick
weight loss and rapid weight gain once you get of it. These drastic
diets range from the "cookie diet", lol.... All that way to "the water
only diet"..... I am sure you can lose weight while on these DIEts,
however the weight will be gained right back and usually with some added
weight as a bonus
Fat Loss Myth # 14
I am too fat and too far down the road to begin
I am too fat and too far down the road to begin
Weight Loss
Fact: A long journey begins one step at a time. It is natural to expect
instantaneous results and to even fear the road ahead of you; especially
if you are extremely overweight. The secret here is to make SMALL
incremental changes. Don't expect perfection because that will lead you
to disappointment. You are never too far down the road to where you
cannot see the sun's light......
Weight Loss Myth # 15
I can't do it, I have tried many times and have failed
I can't do it, I have tried many times and have failed
Loss Truth: The great Henry Ford once said "Whether you think you can,
or you think you can't- you're right.'"......It is 90% mindset, and 10%
actually getting off your butt and doing something about it. You fall
down, you get back up.... you fall down again, you get back up again. If
you have tried to lose weight in the past then it is time to keep
trying. Discouragment is to losing weight as is a piece of fried chicken
to a vegetarian......they DO NOT go hand in hand.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5567423