Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tips To Fast Weight Loss, Work !!!

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TipsTo Fast Weight Loss

So this morning you ambitiously tried on your skinny jeans, the ones from a few years back. They didn’t even zip up. And now you’re scheming your next dietary adventure hoping to shed a few pounds.
It seems easy enough, cut back the calories and take the stairs instead of the elevator. But you tried that last time and the low-carb diet and the low-fat diet and that one diet where you drank that weird smoothie for all three meals. They didn’t work. But you’re in luck, we’ve compiled a list of Six Trusted
Diet Tricks and Tips that will help you lose weight fast and let you keep those skinny jeans.

Don’t be drastic when it comes to cutting calories
Fast Weight Loss
A lot of dieters will immediately start a low calorie diet, which can result in energy loss and eventually a loss of motivation. Believe it or not, our body does need calories as they help keep us energized. If you immediately start your diet by cutting your calorie intake in half you’ll feel less energetic at the end of the day and might be more susceptible to grabbing a high sugar (ie: high caloric) snack. Also, a lot of low calorie diets are boring. You’ll quickly run out of steam if you’re bored with your meals.
Instead, reduce your initial calorie intake by about 250-500 per day or try replacing some of your favorite high calorie foods with lower calorie options, if you’re not completely limiting yourself in your calorie intake you’ll enjoy your diet a lot more.

Getting enough protein in your diet is absolutely vital. Protein is one of the main contributors to a healthy metabolism and your metabolism helps your burn calories. Protein is so important in the body that if you don’t have the required amount of daily protein your diet, your body will take protein from your muscles in order to build the enzymes that help your metabolism. So protein means a better metabolism which means more calories burned! Protein also means stronger and better muscles (hello beach body!)

Muscle Mass
One of the reasons we stress Tips One and Two is because by drastically cutting calories you’ll lose weight fast but that weight loss is not in fat. It’s in protein. Past studies have indicated that when you lose weight at a rapid rate about 65% of the weight lost is in your muscles and only 35% is from fat. So in order to lose more fat it’s important to retain muscle mass.

A great way to retain muscle mass is by exercising, especially weight training. If you’re new to exercising you can go to your local sports store and buy a pair of 10lb hand or ankle weights. You can use the ankle weights on a daily walk and the lift the hand weights during down time. Increase your weights as you see fit and you’ll soon notice improvements in your muscle tone.

You knew we’d say it, but it’s just so important! Exercising helps to increase your metabolism, which helps burn calories.

If you’re an active woman between 19-30 you burn about 2,400 calories a day whereas if you’re mainly sedentary you’re only burning 2,000.
Active men ages 19-30 burn about 3,000 calories and sedentary men burn about 2,400 calories.
And exercise is great for your body, your muscles, your organs, and you’re general well being.

You are what you eat!
Try to increase your daily intake of fruits and vegetables, which are high in nutrients and can help you feel better and more energized.  Fruits and vegetables are often low in calories so they’re great substitutions to higher calorie foods. Add some spinach to your dinner or an apple as a snack and you’ll feel full faster which will help with portion control.

Skip the salt
A diet high in sodium can cause bloating and increased water retention. This can make you look bigger than you actually are, so skip the salt and you’ll lose the water weight.
These Six Tips may seem easier said than done, but losing weight isn’t and shouldn’t be easy. It’s all about a lifestyle change, which means you’ll be able to keep the pounds off for good. But if you’re wondering how to incorporate these Six Tips into your daily life we’ve made a simple guideline with a few suggestions on how to get started. 

Switch sodas for water or flavored water and you’ll immediately cut out a lot of unnecessary daily calories. Instead of a sugary muffin for breakfast try a piece of whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, peanut butter is a great source of protein.

Use light weight hand weights during office breaks. Some are tiny and can be discreet to avoid confused, office stares.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator; if you walk up and down one flight of stairs for 10 minutes you burn 100 calories
Instead of candy or chips as an afternoon snack opt for an apple or orange (you’ll save about 200 calories!)

Potato chips contain 149 mg of sodium so if your craving salt, opt for some lightly salted tomato slices.
These tips to lose weight fast are not only about quickly shedding the pounds but also about a lifestyle change, which will mean the pounds will stay off. Try to incorporate all Six Tips into your newest diet regime, remember eating healthy and exercising will be your biggest contributors in losing weight fast.

Even if you just start with a 30-minute walk a day your body will already start to feel the benefits. The same goes for eating well, most foods with a high calorie content also have a high fat content so if you’re trying to lose weight, run from those foods that are (so deliciously) dripping in grease. Instead plan nutritious meals with both low and moderate calories- you won’t burn out as fast and it’ll allow you to be free in your meal choices and creative in the kitchen.

Another tips Fast Weight Loss Tips

Last week in our Extreme Weight Loss series we talked about lifting weights and how they can really boost your weight loss efforts, check it out here.
This week I want to give you a few fast weight loss tips and talk to you about changing your lifestyle.

I have no doubt in my mind that if you have committed yourself to following this program for just 7 weeks you will have seen some incredible results by now.  In fact, some of my clients have lost 40 pounds in just 7 weeks and it only gets better!  The key ingredient that makes this program work so well is dedication.
With that being said,  I have something very important to talk to you about this week (week 7) and that is continuing on to make this a lifestyle, not just a program you follow for a few weeks.

You will not get permanent results from following a program. You get permanent results from changing your lifestyle.
The methods I have given you for the past six weeks are all you need to change your lifestyle.  Once you gain confidence in the fact that you can do it changing your lifestyle should be no weight loss tips

If you DO change your lifestyle, there is one thing I can promise you and that is the fact that the quality of your life will improve greatly.
This week, I want to give you a few tips that will really help you turn this into a lifestyle change.

Always Do The Big Three
HIIT, weight training, and diet.  If you do those three things consistently it will be impossible for your body to store fat. If you don’t want to split up cardio and strength training, you can do them on the same day. Just make sure you get it done! Don’t make it complicated.  Those three things alone will give you the body you are looking for.

Keep Your Diet Healthy
Now that you have eaten eat least somewhat healthy for the past 6 weeks, you should begin to enjoy healthy eating. I am not telling you that you can never eat anything unhealthy ever again, that would be insane.  Going out with your friends and eating something unhealthy every so often is fine, just make sure it isn’t something you do all day. For the most part keep your diet clean and losing weight will be a lot easier.

Get Your Friends Into Fitness
We have all heard peer pressure is a bad thing, but POSITIVE peer pressure is a good thing.  I have friends who challenge me every day to make sure I did my workouts and ate healthy. You will feel a big nudge to stay fit when your friends are also fit. Trust me, this might sound really basic but making friends that are also fit can make weight loss easy!

Keep Changing Your Exercise Routine
If you get bored of doing a certain type of exercise, feel free to try something different like Pilates or kettlebell training. This can really help you become more motivated and even make you more athletic which is never a bad thing. If you aren’t sure what else you can do, just ask any of your other friends that are into fitness and they will have a big list of things you can do.

Teach Others
I am sure you have friends that are fit, but you also probably have friends that aren’t fit.  Use your new knowledge to teach them how to become fit. Not only will this help keep you motivated, but you will have pressure on yourself because you are teaching someone else how to become fit, so you need to stay fit yourself.

Hopefully you won’t just view this as a 7 week program but will view it as a way to change your lifestyle within 7 weeks. If you don’t change your lifestyle the past 7 weeks were useless.  You don’t have to be perfect, but you do need to try your best. If you mess up, don’t give up just continue where you left off.
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