Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Weight Loss, Tips to Lose your Weight

WeightLossTips - Today WeightLossTips update post about :Weight Loss, Tips to Lose your Weight

Weight loss, if this is your goal , read this simple article . Articles about  simple ways to "lose weight".  We placed  simple ways to manage your diet healthy every day in a month .

  1. Start your day with a glass of grape juice in order to decrease triglyceride levels . Triglycerides are often associated with heart problems .
  2. AVOID PROCESSED foods that contain more than five ingredients . The more material that is used , then the process is getting longer .
    Weight Loss, Tips to Lose your Weight
  3. TAKE A LITTLE course your favorite foods . This is a highly accurate way to avoid being dependent on these snacks .
  4. NOT PEEL certain fruit peel , like apples . With peeling , 25 percent of vitamins, minerals , and fiber they will be lost .
  5. Eat more protein if you want to lose weight is stable . Do not forget the non - animal sources of protein such as beans, tofu, wholegrain cereals, nuts and beans. Protein can increase the performance of the body so as to burn more fat .
  6. SAVE AND SERVE watermelon at room temperature . Nutrients will increase by 40 percent . According to experts , this condition is possible due to the maturation process .
  7. DO NOT vegetables, dark leafy greens, such as spinach. Precisely the most nutritious part .
  8. Replace SOUR CREAM / sour cream with low-fat yogurt while serving baked potatoes or croquettes . Low-fat yogurt is good also used as a substitute for butter in mashed potatoes .
  9. DRINK WATER warm with lemon juice in the morning. It's like a mini - detox that helps digestion and cleanse your liver .
  10. TRY eating 20-30 different foods to obtain maximum nutrients and antioxidant benefits .
  11. BETTER ONCE if you frequently consume beans . You can add it to the sauce bolognaise . Or, serve with sauce bean dip made ​​from garlic blenderan , mix the olive oil , and lemon juice as a dye . It could also add to the salad .
  12. NOT EXCESSIVE consumption of products labeled low fat or low carb ( low carb ) . Often these products implies not much different from the original version .
  13. USE OIL canola or olive oil on a baking pan spread sebaga and dishes , grill or frying pan . It's healthier than regular butter or cooking oil .
  14. NOT Coat your skillet with oil . But mix in two tablespoons of oil in the flesh , just insert into the hot pan .
  15. DRINK fresh vegetable juice every morning . Try carrots , celery , small spinach , cucumber , watercress or radishes . Combine with apple juice as a sweetener .
  16. CURRENT SEASON mango , use . Eating 1 mango is 100 percent sufficient for beta-carotene and vitamin C. Includes a number of vitamin E, fiber , and minerals such as iron , calcium , magnesium , zinc , potassium and folic acid .
  17. USE EQUIPMENT and small-sized bowl. Research shows that we tend to eat more when eating utensils and plate too large.
  18. Cook with garlic CUISINE . One clove alone can help lower cholesterol by nine percent .
  19. KEEP USE normal size of a product . When there was a promotion , we tend to have a family size or larger and economically cheaper . We forget there are any leftovers , we tend to eat it again . Of course there are more than the usual size .
  20. Reserving THREE bribe every time you eat . Every mouthful contains 105 kilojoules ( kj ) . So, once you eat cut up to 315 kj . This means that can reach 945 kj per day !
  21. USE SPICES and fresh spices . It contains antioxidants and could enrich the flavor without additional fat .
  22. ENJOY COFFEE in size medium. Research has shown that coffee may reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease , and liver .
Thanks for reading  Weight Loss, Tips to Lose your Weight
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